Our Mission
But Jesus said, "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children." Matthew 19:14 (NLT)
Over 4,000 students from preschool to high school. Over 900 volunteers. Multiple locations. Lots of sponsors, prayers and encouragement. Last year's event was our biggest yet, but it is time to plan and prepare for an even greater event. This is written with the intent to INVITE YOU TO TAKE PART in back2school 2024.
This will be the greatest event we have put on as we seek to expand our reach. Are you interested in helping? Would your church like to get involved? There is room for you and many, many others!
So here is a glimpse into this special outreach event. This is our 18th year. Last year gave us the most students we've served at almost 4,000, yet through all the years of the back2school event we have served over 38,000 students. That's a big and blessed number, and this year we are going to help thousands more. The first 4 years were only at The Community Fellowship, and now through great partnerships we have expanded to multiple churches (serving counties of Patrick, Henry, Pittsylvania, Franklin and beyond). It is our desire to add more churches across southern Virginia and beyond in the future.
The back2school event offers students brand new shoes and socks as a volunteer washes the student's feet and talks to them about their dreams. Each student will also receive a new backpack filled with school supplies. Many locations offer gently used clothes, as well as haircuts if students want one. It is our desire to keep the per student cost low, which remains about $22 per student.
Volunteers are being sought to help with the preparation and putting on of the event. We are also seeking sponsors who will adopt students by committing to give or help raise the money needed to put on this event. All kinds of supplies are needed for each backpack, such as gently used clothes, school supplies, socks and more. We simply ask you to help by getting involved and asking your family and friends to take part in this event.
Registration is a must and will take place in the middle of July (the 13th from 9am until noon and the 23rd from 6 to 8pm at all locations). The back2school event is set for Saturday, August 3rd. We will be serving special needs children on Friday, August 2nd at The Community Fellowship in Collinsville. Feel free to ask more questions by sending an email to emailback2school@gmail.com or call at 276-565-8234.
This is an opportunity for GREAT IMPACT as Christians and churches lock arms and hearts to serve families who are in need. With your help we can do so much more, by impacting more families and demonstrating the love of God to each and every student that comes our way. Would you consider asking your church to partner with us? Would you consider adopting students and raising the money needed?
Help us help more kids. I can't wait to share more details with you in the coming weeks! Thank you ahead of time being part of the awesome team God is putting together!
With GOD as my guide,
Pastor Michael Harrison
For more information call 276-565-8234 and leave a message
or email emailback2school@gmail.com
mail your donation to back2school
Post Office Box 388, Collinsville, VA 24078
"Our legacy
should be created based on what we do for others, not on how much money we make or how many material things we acquire. We will never know the impact of the ripple effect of our actions and obedience if we sit on the sidelines as spectators.”
— Manny Ohonme, Samaritan's Feet